New rule

From now on i can not buy glass cups. It is only plastic or paper cups from now on. In a fit of what i thought would be productive cleaning ended up in 3 broken glasses. If this doesn't sound like a reason to give up glass cups just keep in mind between me and Jackie, we brake on average of 2 glasses a week.
Call Me Cupid is going into the studio tomorrow to record. The album should be out in a month or so. The Kiss and Tells have a couple new song to come out soon but no news of an album yet. Finally Our First Fight is coming up with new material but someone's trying to bring in someone new so our first fight is in a fight.
This is a poem/story/something
Come on, move it along”
Says the officer as he taps my window.
“Two more hours” I shout, then looking him dead in the eyes “I want to paint the world with her screams”
He shines his light on two, fresh, Jigsaw peaces, only able to lock in one area.
Then after writing “were all dead” on a ticket, he sticks it to the windshield with his spit.
After ten years are pant’s and obscenities are the best way we communicate.
We use this time to the fullest. Are civilized world had slaughtered all but are privates, and there bound to fall off at some point.
It must be winter because my bloom feels dead and her nectars all dried up.
“the bee’s will eat us alive” I whisper in her ear, as I wipe my sweat across her cheek.
“then lets burn the hive” she gargled as her tethered leg searches for and kicks out the E-brake.
The car drops off the cliff, through what seems like an absence of air,
Like a heart that stops beating.
I love to write but boy do i hate reading it afterwards. I always feel so lame.
This is a painting done by Edvard Munch. If anyone wants to see my video adaptation of it let me know.
hahaaa. could you try ceramic cups instead? plastic leaches strange things and wasteful. you guys must have started out w/about 100 glass cups if you've broken so many by now.
i think we all feel the same way about writing. but the impt thing is that you keep doing it. (as i am about to embark on writing a big paper. yuck. but my last paper ever!)
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last ever? im sure the future holds more papers for you, sad but true.
nooo! i'm done w/academia: that was the whole point of getting an MFA. it's a TERMINAL degree. no more school required! thank goodness.
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