Michael is alone with everyone!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

On my way

Ive never been to her place,
laid in her bed, and teased her about talking tough.
Figure out which side i was aloud to have, and stumble
searching for a bathroom in a unfamiliar hall

Ive never been to her place, cause
well, cause she still sleeps with her past
He lays heavy next to her at night
allowing her to look, and even sleep next to the future
Stumble down my dark hallways,
put her feet on my walls to press
well enough against me, that my arms sling over
like a latch

But talking to your past at night,
its dark and you have to feel for his features
to make sure the familiarity doesn't leave
I know, ive lived it too

So ive never been to her place
I dont know the route, the one she's on now
heading over at three am
Probably waited till her past fell asleep

Ive never been to her place
and I probably never will
But the past, he's a good man
and i was a little over zelouse calling myself future
Im present, bearing no weight in my bed
Lightest of all times to consider
Enjoyable at the time, when at the time is all
you can want or handle
Easily forgotten, and handled with out concepts of consequences

Ive never been to her place
She's been over to mine, many times
But will always go back to hers
to greet her past in the morning
and tuck him in at night
Tell him stories of the present,
how he'll never be anything like the past

Ive never been to her place
and thats how it should be
thats how it is
the present will be fine, remember
I am with out concepts of consequence
lightest of all times to consider
how could that ever get hurt?


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