Michael is alone with everyone!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Lessons from Braking up a wedding

-Yes, being drunk was necessary
-If all goes according to plan, only the person you stole from the altar will be on your side
-Setting off sprinklers in a church, although very epic, is a criminal offense
-If you ask anyone to help you, they will back out the day before
-Take the abuse, but dont fight back, get out of there (I was lucky to have a cast as a weapon)
-Believe in nothing
-Be prepared to have not have a committed relationship with the person after for two reasons
1. They just escaped from matrimony, that ceremony is the edge of entrapment
2. You peek with that night of passion, its all mundane after that
-Embrace the cliche, you cant escape it
-Look good
-Tell people before you do it, who have nothing to do with it, so you have to commit
-You will feel bad for the other person
-Make sure there is photographers (I mean who doesnt have photographers at their wedding, i am kind of pissed)
-Have a location to go after, wondering around aimlessly effects your nerves


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