Long time no post

so it has been a while since i have posted. I was stuck with no internet while i was in-between moving, then i was just really busy after that. My new apt is great, i love the size and he location. My two best friends came over from MA for 6 days which was great, we had a blast. I am currently writing two scripts and one short story that came from a script. I feel more productive being out of school. O well I will have more pics of from what my friends and i did when they were out (some might be us in spedos dancing ) but for now heres pics of my apt and its entrance.
omg! i had given up on yr blog. i thought you were done w/it. but i put the link back on. yay! it's good to have a home you like.
i am now going home myself. SO need to sleep.
Dont give up on me, i was just busy, and not interesting enough to fill up something everyday.
no worries. i'm just hyper-ocd, so i'm on the computer WAY too much. my life is just as uninteresting as the next person's; i just blab a lot.
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