No body I know has the "Fuck"

Two bottles, one in each pocket
Its a little excessive, but so is this party
Three sets of eyes, independently fixated
on me, or who I appear to be
who they want to be, who id rather be
Four hours, one bottle gone
Ive talked to each pair of eyes, they listened
they fallow me, too each other pair
and have a goal for the night, fixation is their fix
Five rooms, and the whiskeys all gone
whispers in ears, sending chills threw the kitchen
tungs dance around, a show to be seen in the den
half dressed sex, doors being knocked on in the bathroom
what to do, with the other two rooms
Six beers, that arnt mine but i drank
becoming the theme, for this night at-least
the crowd swells, my blood is flushed
standing still, it feels like i am dancing
the eyes come in and out, hoping for more
drunk and defeated in victory, I swoon away
One disappeared romantic, from the party of realist
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