Michael is alone with everyone!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I am broke.
Not in the "i need to cut down on what i buy" kind of broke. More in the "I need to make 3000$ soon so i am not in debt anymore" kind of broke.
It is at such a bad time. I am moving on the 1st and moving cost so much. I can only eat dinner at home which is roman nuddles for a while and after that popcorn. It is all i have left. After i move Jackie is making a Ppod order so i can eat that food, which will be nice.
In the mean time i need to sell my stuff. Cloths, playstation, old mp3player, things ive made, cds, and other stuff.
I wish male prostitution was in more of a damand, jackie said she wouldnt mind as long as i brought in some money.
O well, time to go sell more things. If anyone needs anything, let me know, i might have or could make it or do it or anything.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

how am i not myself

I dont know what is going on right now. I think there is time, but i seem to be passing it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Feer and loathing chicago

So i was walking down the street. It was a nice day, the sun was out, it was warm, i was even carrying take out from my favorite Thai place. I saw what i thought was rain so i looked up to investigate. As i did a hunk of hail, 2/3 the size of a golf ball, hit me between the eyes. I went down like a ton of bricks, crushing my dinner. sad.

another thought.

Have you ever notice when you really love something you created and think its one of your best works and stuff, no one cares or notices it. But when you are disappointed in something you did or made something half ass for the hell of it, people love it. I hate that.

Final thought.

I cant find a good Bikram Yoga place in chicago. Also i cant afford any kick boxing gyms. I guess ill just stay out of shape.

Ps. this picture was found in my phone after a night that left only a memory of riding on he back of a strangers motorcycle.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Might need more

So instead of going to work today i called in and actually slept. This was the first time in like 2 weeks that i have done that. Sure it was only 6 hours, but thats double what i slept all week.
I have one class left on Saturday, so i need to make my project for it tonight.
I am moving on June 1 to lincoln park. Maybe there will be other people to hang out with there, because there is none were i am now. I think im going to go to sleep for longer. Jackie's flight is delayed so i have another hour or so.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I had me a Vision (there wasnt any telivision)

I realized since jackie has been gone i have only watched about an hour of tv. I mean if you don't count the three movies i have watched. If it wasn't for Degrassi i could probably be completely done with tv. I also dont play video games, so really all i need is a computer. hmm.

Monday, May 08, 2006

New rule

From now on i can not buy glass cups. It is only plastic or paper cups from now on. In a fit of what i thought would be productive cleaning ended up in 3 broken glasses. If this doesn't sound like a reason to give up glass cups just keep in mind between me and Jackie, we brake on average of 2 glasses a week.
Call Me Cupid is going into the studio tomorrow to record. The album should be out in a month or so. The Kiss and Tells have a couple new song to come out soon but no news of an album yet. Finally Our First Fight is coming up with new material but someone's trying to bring in someone new so our first fight is in a fight.

This is a poem/story/something

Come on, move it along”
Says the officer as he taps my window.
“Two more hours” I shout, then looking him dead in the eyes “I want to paint the world with her screams”
He shines his light on two, fresh, Jigsaw peaces, only able to lock in one area.
Then after writing “were all dead” on a ticket, he sticks it to the windshield with his spit.

After ten years are pant’s and obscenities are the best way we communicate.
We use this time to the fullest. Are civilized world had slaughtered all but are privates, and there bound to fall off at some point.

It must be winter because my bloom feels dead and her nectars all dried up.
“the bee’s will eat us alive” I whisper in her ear, as I wipe my sweat across her cheek.
“then lets burn the hive” she gargled as her tethered leg searches for and kicks out the E-brake.

The car drops off the cliff, through what seems like an absence of air,

Like a heart that stops beating.


I love to write but boy do i hate reading it afterwards. I always feel so lame.

This is a painting done by Edvard Munch. If anyone wants to see my video adaptation of it let me know.

Friday, May 05, 2006


So i know why i am a good editor (for film and video that is not writing, if you read my post you will probably understand why not for writing).
I am an improv artist. I don't mean i have mastered the art of improv comedy, i mean the way in which i create my art is best done threw improvisation. With editing, I have all the footage before me and all i have to do is dive in and see what i come up with. I have more thoughts about how this is a sign of creativity and about my problem as an artist in which i can come up with a thought i idea for a project but never can fully created as well as i can think it up and how thats why my improving better because i am working threw the process rather than thinking threw, but i thought about writing it for to long and it became another well thought out thing that i will never be able to apply.

Well i know i said i was going to put up poetry but i am feeling a little lackadaisical right now so instead how about a rap that me and my girlfriend made up when i hurt my sciatic.

I hurt my sciatic
Its so spastic
playing with my care-bares
I'm a fanatic
But a little ashamed
hiding in the attic
staying in one place
i aint nomadic
with all this dust
coughing is erratic
after singing my guts out
its operatic
figuring out my rhymes
its systematic

(now we need a chorus)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

For the picture

I am posting this so i can have a photo on my page. Cool huh? i have already used this more then i thought i would.

First time at bat

So this is my first time using this. I dont know how much i will end up using it after this. I tend to start these things and stop after a little while. Not to menchen the fact that none of my friends look at these. Maybe i will make new friends then? Nah, but it is a thought.